XCSF  1.4.7
XCSF learning classifier system
ArgsLayer Struct Reference

Parameters for initialising a neural network layer. More...

#include <neural_layer_args.h>

Collaboration diagram for ArgsLayer:

Data Fields

int type
 Layer type: CONNECTED, DROPOUT, etc. More...
int n_inputs
 Number of inputs. More...
int n_init
 Initial number of units / neurons / filters. More...
int n_max
 Maximum number of units / neurons. More...
int max_neuron_grow
 Maximum number neurons to add per mutation event. More...
int function
 Activation function. More...
int recurrent_function
 Recurrent activation function. More...
int height
 Pool, Conv, and Upsample. More...
int width
 Pool, Conv, and Upsample. More...
int channels
 Pool, Conv, and Upsample. More...
int size
 Pool and Conv. More...
int stride
 Pool, Conv, and Upsample. More...
int pad
 Pool and Conv. More...
double eta
 Gradient descent rate. More...
double eta_min
 Current gradient descent rate. More...
double momentum
 Momentum for gradient descent. More...
double decay
 Weight decay for gradient descent. More...
double probability
 Usage depends on layer implementation. More...
double scale
 Usage depends on layer implementation. More...
_Bool evolve_weights
 Ability to evolve weights. More...
_Bool evolve_neurons
 Ability to evolve number of units. More...
_Bool evolve_functions
 Ability to evolve activation function. More...
_Bool evolve_eta
 Ability to evolve gradient descent rate. More...
_Bool evolve_connect
 Ability to evolve weight connectivity. More...
_Bool sgd_weights
 Ability to update weights with gradient descent. More...
struct ArgsLayernext
 Next layer parameters. More...

Detailed Description

Parameters for initialising a neural network layer.

Definition at line 31 of file neural_layer_args.h.

Field Documentation

◆ channels

◆ decay

◆ eta

◆ eta_min

◆ evolve_connect

◆ evolve_eta

◆ evolve_functions

_Bool ArgsLayer::evolve_functions

◆ evolve_neurons

◆ evolve_weights

◆ function

◆ height

◆ max_neuron_grow

◆ momentum

◆ n_init

◆ n_inputs

◆ n_max

◆ next

◆ pad

◆ probability

double ArgsLayer::probability

◆ recurrent_function

int ArgsLayer::recurrent_function

◆ scale

◆ sgd_weights

◆ size

◆ stride

◆ type

◆ width

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: