XCSF  1.4.7
XCSF learning classifier system
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
5  * (at your option) any later version.
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13  * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
14  */
24 #include "neural_activations.h"
25 #include "neural_layer.h"
26 #include "utils.h"
34 double
35 neural_activate(const int a, const double x)
36 {
37  switch (a) {
38  case LOGISTIC:
39  return logistic_activate(x);
40  case RELU:
41  return relu_activate(x);
42  case GAUSSIAN:
43  return gaussian_activate(x);
44  case TANH:
45  return tanh_activate(x);
46  case SIN:
47  return sin_activate(x);
48  case COS:
49  return cos_activate(x);
50  case SOFT_PLUS:
51  return soft_plus_activate(x);
52  case LINEAR:
53  return linear_activate(x);
54  case LEAKY:
55  return leaky_activate(x);
56  case SELU:
57  return selu_activate(x);
58  case LOGGY:
59  return loggy_activate(x);
60  default:
61  printf("neural_activate(): invalid activation function: %d\n", a);
62  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
63  }
64 }
72 double
73 neural_gradient(const int a, const double x)
74 {
75  switch (a) {
76  case LOGISTIC:
77  return logistic_gradient(x);
78  case RELU:
79  return relu_gradient(x);
80  case GAUSSIAN:
81  return gaussian_gradient(x);
82  case TANH:
83  return tanh_gradient(x);
84  case SIN:
85  return sin_gradient(x);
86  case COS:
87  return cos_gradient(x);
88  case SOFT_PLUS:
89  return soft_plus_gradient(x);
90  case LINEAR:
91  return linear_gradient(x);
92  case LEAKY:
93  return leaky_gradient(x);
94  case SELU:
95  return selu_gradient(x);
96  case LOGGY:
97  return loggy_gradient(x);
98  default:
99  printf("neural_gradient(): invalid activation function: %d\n", a);
100  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
101  }
102 }
109 const char *
111 {
112  switch (a) {
113  case LOGISTIC:
114  return STRING_LOGISTIC;
115  case RELU:
116  return STRING_RELU;
117  case GAUSSIAN:
118  return STRING_GAUSSIAN;
119  case TANH:
120  return STRING_TANH;
121  case SIN:
122  return STRING_SIN;
123  case COS:
124  return STRING_COS;
125  case SOFT_PLUS:
126  return STRING_SOFT_PLUS;
127  case LINEAR:
128  return STRING_LINEAR;
129  case LEAKY:
130  return STRING_LEAKY;
131  case SELU:
132  return STRING_SELU;
133  case LOGGY:
134  return STRING_LOGGY;
135  case SOFT_MAX:
136  return STRING_SOFT_MAX;
137  default:
138  printf("neural_activation_string(): invalid activation: %d\n", a);
139  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
140  }
141 }
148 int
150 {
151  if (strncmp(a, STRING_LOGISTIC, 9) == 0) {
152  return LOGISTIC;
153  }
154  if (strncmp(a, STRING_RELU, 5) == 0) {
155  return RELU;
156  }
157  if (strncmp(a, STRING_GAUSSIAN, 9) == 0) {
158  return GAUSSIAN;
159  }
160  if (strncmp(a, STRING_TANH, 5) == 0) {
161  return TANH;
162  }
163  if (strncmp(a, STRING_SIN, 4) == 0) {
164  return SIN;
165  }
166  if (strncmp(a, STRING_COS, 4) == 0) {
167  return COS;
168  }
169  if (strncmp(a, STRING_SOFT_PLUS, 10) == 0) {
170  return SOFT_PLUS;
171  }
172  if (strncmp(a, STRING_LINEAR, 7) == 0) {
173  return LINEAR;
174  }
175  if (strncmp(a, STRING_LEAKY, 6) == 0) {
176  return LEAKY;
177  }
178  if (strncmp(a, STRING_SELU, 5) == 0) {
179  return SELU;
180  }
181  if (strncmp(a, STRING_LOGGY, 6) == 0) {
182  return LOGGY;
183  }
184  if (strncmp(a, STRING_SOFT_MAX, 9) == 0) {
185  return SOFT_MAX;
186  }
187  printf("neural_activation_as_int(): invalid activation: %s\n", a);
188  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
189 }
198 void
199 neural_activate_array(double *state, double *output, const int n, const int a)
200 {
201  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
202  state[i] = clamp(state[i], NEURON_MIN, NEURON_MAX);
203  output[i] = neural_activate(a, state[i]);
204  }
205 }
214 void
215 neural_gradient_array(const double *state, double *delta, const int n,
216  const int a)
217 {
218  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
219  delta[i] *= neural_gradient(a, state[i]);
220  }
221 }
double neural_activate(const int a, const double x)
Returns the result from applying a specified activation function.
const char * neural_activation_string(const int a)
Returns the name of a specified activation function.
void neural_gradient_array(const double *state, double *delta, const int n, const int a)
Applies a gradient function to a vector of neuron states.
int neural_activation_as_int(const char *a)
Returns the integer representation of an activation function.
void neural_activate_array(double *state, double *output, const int n, const int a)
Applies an activation function to a vector of neuron states.
double neural_gradient(const int a, const double x)
Returns the derivative from applying a specified activation function.
Neural network activation functions.
#define TANH
Tanh [-1,1].
#define STRING_SIN
static double cos_activate(const double x)
static double selu_gradient(const double x)
static double relu_activate(const double x)
static double soft_plus_gradient(const double x)
#define LOGISTIC
Logistic [0,1].
static double linear_gradient(const double x)
#define SELU
Scaled-exponential linear unit [-1.7581,inf].
static double leaky_gradient(const double x)
static double gaussian_gradient(const double x)
static double gaussian_activate(const double x)
#define LOGGY
Logistic [-1,1].
#define RELU
Rectified linear unit [0,inf].
static double loggy_gradient(const double x)
static double soft_plus_activate(const double x)
static double loggy_activate(const double x)
static double cos_gradient(const double x)
#define STRING_COS
static double linear_activate(const double x)
static double sin_gradient(const double x)
#define LINEAR
Linear [-inf,inf].
#define SIN
Sine [-1,1].
static double logistic_activate(const double x)
static double leaky_activate(const double x)
static double logistic_gradient(const double x)
#define LEAKY
Leaky rectified linear unit [-inf,inf].
static double tanh_activate(const double x)
#define GAUSSIAN
Gaussian (0,1].
static double tanh_gradient(const double x)
static double relu_gradient(const double x)
#define SOFT_MAX
static double sin_activate(const double x)
#define SOFT_PLUS
Soft plus [0,inf].
static double selu_activate(const double x)
#define COS
Cos [-1,1].
Soft plus.
Interface for neural network layers.
#define NEURON_MIN
Minimum neuron state.
Definition: neural_layer.h:58
#define NEURON_MAX
Maximum neuron state.
Definition: neural_layer.h:59
Utility functions for random number handling, etc.
static double clamp(const double a, const double min, const double max)
Returns a float clamped within the specified range.
Definition: utils.h:60