XCSF  1.4.7
XCSF learning classifier system
xcsf Directory Reference


directory  utils


file  __init__.py [code]
file  act_integer.c [code]
 integer action functions.
file  act_integer.h [code]
 integer action functions.
file  act_neural.c [code]
 Neural network action functions.
file  act_neural.h [code]
 Neural network action functions.
file  action.c [code]
 Interface for classifier actions.
file  action.h [code]
 Interface for classifier actions.
file  blas.c [code]
 Basic linear algebra functions.
file  blas.h [code]
 Basic linear algebra functions.
file  cl.c [code]
 Functions operating on classifiers.
file  cl.h [code]
 Functions operating on classifiers.
file  clset.c [code]
 Functions operating on sets of classifiers.
file  clset.h [code]
 Functions operating on sets of classifiers.
file  clset_neural.c [code]
 Functions operating on sets of neural classifiers.
file  clset_neural.h [code]
 Functions operating on sets of neural classifiers.
file  cond_dgp.c [code]
 Dynamical GP graph condition functions.
file  cond_dgp.h [code]
 Dynamical GP graph condition functions.
file  cond_dummy.c [code]
 Always-matching dummy condition functions.
file  cond_dummy.h [code]
 Always-matching dummy condition functions.
file  cond_ellipsoid.c [code]
 Hyperellipsoid condition functions.
file  cond_ellipsoid.h [code]
 Hyperellipsoid condition functions.
file  cond_gp.c [code]
 Tree GP condition functions.
file  cond_gp.h [code]
 Tree GP condition functions.
file  cond_neural.c [code]
 Multi-layer perceptron neural network condition functions.
file  cond_neural.h [code]
 Multi-layer perceptron neural network condition functions.
file  cond_rectangle.c [code]
 Hyperrectangle condition functions.
file  cond_rectangle.h [code]
 Hyperrectangle condition functions.
file  cond_ternary.c [code]
 Ternary condition functions.
file  cond_ternary.h [code]
 Ternary condition functions.
file  condition.c [code]
 Interface for classifier conditions.
file  condition.h [code]
 Interface for classifier conditions.
file  config.c [code]
 Configuration file (JSON) handling functions.
file  config.h [code]
 Configuration file handling functions.
file  dgp.c [code]
 An implementation of dynamical GP graphs with fuzzy activations.
file  dgp.h [code]
 An implementation of dynamical GP graphs with fuzzy activations.
file  ea.c [code]
 Evolutionary algorithm functions.
file  ea.h [code]
 Evolutionary algorithm functions.
file  env.c [code]
 Built-in problem environment interface.
file  env.h [code]
 Built-in problem environment interface.
file  env_csv.c [code]
 CSV input file handling functions.
file  env_csv.h [code]
 CSV input file handling functions.
file  env_maze.c [code]
 The discrete maze problem environment module.
file  env_maze.h [code]
 The discrete maze problem environment module.
file  env_mux.c [code]
 The real multiplexer problem environment.
file  env_mux.h [code]
 The real multiplexer problem environment.
file  gp.c [code]
 An implementation of GP trees based upon TinyGP.
file  gp.h [code]
 An implementation of GP trees based upon TinyGP.
file  image.c [code]
 Image handling functions.
file  image.h [code]
 Image handling functions.
file  loss.c [code]
 Loss functions for calculating prediction error.
file  loss.h [code]
 Loss functions for calculating prediction error.
file  main.c [code]
 Main function for stand-alone binary execution.
file  neural.c [code]
 An implementation of a multi-layer perceptron neural network.
file  neural.h [code]
 An implementation of a multi-layer perceptron neural network.
file  neural_activations.c [code]
 Neural network activation functions.
file  neural_activations.h [code]
 Neural network activation functions.
file  neural_layer.c [code]
 Interface for neural network layers.
file  neural_layer.h [code]
 Interface for neural network layers.
file  neural_layer_args.c [code]
 Functions operating on neural network arguments/constants.
file  neural_layer_args.h [code]
 Functions operating on neural network arguments/constants.
file  neural_layer_avgpool.c [code]
 An implementation of an average pooling layer.
file  neural_layer_avgpool.h [code]
 An implementation of an average pooling layer.
file  neural_layer_connected.c [code]
 An implementation of a fully-connected layer of perceptrons.
file  neural_layer_connected.h [code]
 An implementation of a fully-connected layer of perceptrons.
file  neural_layer_convolutional.c [code]
 An implementation of a 2D convolutional layer.
file  neural_layer_convolutional.h [code]
 An implementation of a 2D convolutional layer.
file  neural_layer_dropout.c [code]
 An implementation of a dropout layer.
file  neural_layer_dropout.h [code]
 An implementation of a dropout layer.
file  neural_layer_lstm.c [code]
 An implementation of a long short-term memory layer.
file  neural_layer_lstm.h [code]
 An implementation of a long short-term memory layer.
file  neural_layer_maxpool.c [code]
 An implementation of a 2D maxpooling layer.
file  neural_layer_maxpool.h [code]
 An implementation of a 2D maxpooling layer.
file  neural_layer_noise.c [code]
 An implementation of a Gaussian noise adding layer.
file  neural_layer_noise.h [code]
 An implementation of a Gaussian noise adding layer.
file  neural_layer_recurrent.c [code]
 An implementation of a recurrent layer of perceptrons.
file  neural_layer_recurrent.h [code]
 An implementation of a recurrent layer of perceptrons.
file  neural_layer_softmax.c [code]
 An implementation of a softmax layer.
file  neural_layer_softmax.h [code]
 An implementation of a softmax layer.
file  neural_layer_upsample.c [code]
 An implementation of a 2D upsampling layer.
file  neural_layer_upsample.h [code]
 An implementation of a 2D upsampling layer.
file  pa.c [code]
 Prediction array functions.
file  pa.h [code]
 Prediction array functions.
file  param.c [code]
 Functions for setting and printing parameters.
file  param.h [code]
 Functions for setting and printing parameters.
file  perf.c [code]
 System performance printing.
file  perf.h [code]
 System performance printing.
file  pred_constant.c [code]
 Piece-wise constant prediction functions.
file  pred_constant.h [code]
 Piece-wise constant prediction functions.
file  pred_neural.c [code]
 Multi-layer perceptron neural network prediction functions.
file  pred_neural.h [code]
 Multi-layer perceptron neural network prediction functions.
file  pred_nlms.c [code]
 Normalised least mean squares prediction functions.
file  pred_nlms.h [code]
 Normalised least mean squares prediction functions.
file  pred_rls.c [code]
 Recursive least mean squares prediction functions.
file  pred_rls.h [code]
 Recursive least mean squares prediction functions.
file  prediction.c [code]
 Interface for classifier predictions.
file  prediction.h [code]
 Interface for classifier predictions.
file  pybind_callback.h [code]
 Interface for callbacks.
file  pybind_callback_checkpoint.h [code]
 Checkpoint callback for Python library.
file  pybind_callback_earlystop.h [code]
 Early stopping callback for Python library.
file  pybind_utils.h [code]
 Utilities for Python library.
file  pybind_wrapper.cpp [code]
 Python library wrapper functions.
file  rule_dgp.c [code]
 Dynamical GP graph rule (condition + action) functions.
file  rule_dgp.h [code]
 Dynamical GP graph rule (condition + action) functions.
file  rule_neural.c [code]
 Neural network rule (condition + action) functions.
file  rule_neural.h [code]
 Neural network rule (condition + action) functions.
file  sam.c [code]
 Self-adaptive mutation functions.
file  sam.h [code]
 Self-adaptive mutation functions.
file  utils.c [code]
 Utility functions for random number handling, etc.
file  utils.h [code]
 Utility functions for random number handling, etc.
file  xcs_rl.c [code]
 Reinforcement learning functions.
file  xcs_rl.h [code]
 Reinforcement learning functions.
file  xcs_supervised.c [code]
 Supervised regression learning functions.
file  xcs_supervised.h [code]
 Supervised regression learning functions.
file  xcsf.c [code]
 System-level functions for initialising, saving, loading, etc.
file  xcsf.h [code]
 XCSF data structures.