30 const struct Input *test_data,
const bool shuffle,
31 const int start,
const int trials);
43 const int n_samples,
const double *cover);
double xcs_supervised_fit(struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Input *train_data, const struct Input *test_data, const bool shuffle, const int start, const int trials)
Executes MAX_TRIALS number of XCSF learning iterations using the training data and test iterations us...
double xcs_supervised_score(struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Input *data, const double *cover)
Calculates the XCSF error for the input data.
double xcs_supervised_score_n(struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Input *data, const int N, const double *cover)
Calculates the XCSF error for a subsample of the input data.
void xcs_supervised_predict(struct XCSF *xcsf, const double *x, double *pred, const int n_samples, const double *cover)
Calculates the XCSF predictions for the provided input.