size_t act_neural_load(const struct XCSF *xcsf, struct Cl *c, FILE *fp)
Reads a neural network action from a file.
bool act_neural_general(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c1, const struct Cl *c2)
Dummy function since neural actions do not generalise another.
void act_neural_json_import(const struct XCSF *xcsf, struct Cl *c, const cJSON *json)
Creates a neural action from a cJSON object.
void act_neural_free(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c)
Frees the memory used by a neural network action.
static struct ActVtbl const act_neural_vtbl
neural action implemented functions.
void act_neural_print(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c)
Prints a neural network action.
void act_neural_copy(const struct XCSF *xcsf, struct Cl *dest, const struct Cl *src)
Copies a neural network action from one classifier to another.
void act_neural_update(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c, const double *x, const double *y)
Dummy function since neural network actions are not updated.
int act_neural_compute(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c, const double *x)
Computes the current neural network action using the input.
void act_neural_cover(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c, const double *x, const int action)
Generates a neural network that covers the specified input:action.
bool act_neural_crossover(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c1, const struct Cl *c2)
Dummy function since crossover is not performed on neural actions.
void act_neural_init(const struct XCSF *xcsf, struct Cl *c)
Creates and initialises an action neural network.
void act_neural_param_defaults(struct XCSF *xcsf)
Initialises default neural action parameters.
char * act_neural_param_json_import(struct XCSF *xcsf, cJSON *json)
Sets the neural network parameters from a cJSON object.
bool act_neural_mutate(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c)
Mutates a neural network action.
char * act_neural_json_export(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c)
Returns a json formatted string representation of a neural action.
size_t act_neural_save(const struct XCSF *xcsf, const struct Cl *c, FILE *fp)
Writes a neural network action to a file.
Interface for classifier actions.
An implementation of a multi-layer perceptron neural network.
Neural network activation functions.
Interface for neural network layers.
Neural network action data structure.
struct Net net
Neural network.
Action interface data structure.
Classifier data structure.
Neural network data structure.